Tuesday, February 15, 2022

You Can Be Romantic!


You Can Be Romantic!

Why do so many people believe that they don't have time or take the initiative to be romantic? 

Maybe most people don't think they are creative enough to be romantic. Everyone is creative! The definition of being creative has the ability or power to create. The word develop offers a much broader meaning than most people accept when it comes to the process of being able to come up with something original or well thought out.


Gifts traditionally romantic, like candy and flowers, are lovely, but sometimes you need something that goes one step further. If your spouse enjoys flowers, you don't have to settle for roses because they can sometimes become unexciting after a while! Present them with something completely original, such as a daisy or another flower where petals can be counted. Ask them to play the childhood game they love me, they love me not, and watch them pluck the petals as they go. However, don't allow for the possibility of them arriving at they love me not. Count the petals before you present the flower to your spouse and trim it so that there is an odd number of petals for the right outcome!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine's Day, a Peek inside Us

Valentine's Day, a Peek inside Us


"It's a Hallmark holiday," claim the skeptics. It would help if you had a card, a present, a meal in a restaurant. You're obliged to spend, spend, spend.


But Valentine's Day precedes consumerism, corporations, greeting cards, civilization, and even Christianity. It is an expression of what it is to be human. While everyday pressures squeeze the romance out of life, Valentine's day is an island of corny indulgence in a giant sea of cynicism.


One early attempt at valentine romance saw me commit several days to prepare. Roses, a three-course meal, as exotic as a slightly green eighteen-year-old could muster, and on top of that, a singing waiter (an extroverted mate dressed up) to serve the food.


In retrospect, the menu was bizarre. Raw cauliflower and carrots with mayonnaise and curry powder dip. A slightly watery stir-fried rice dish (I didn't have a filter to strain the rice). This was laced with an over-generous helping of chili peppers; all teenage boys first learn to cook with chili peppers, for dessert, strawberries and bananas with a chocolate dip. Ah, the deep hormonal motivations of eighteen-year-old boys. Everything was in place, and my mate, the singing waiter, completed my love trap.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

A Mini Landscaping Lesson

A Mini Landscaping Lesson

Landscaping has often been likened to the painting of a picture. Your artwork teacher has doubtless told you that a good picture should have a point of chief interest, and the rest of the issues go to make the central idea more beautiful or form a delicate setting for it. So in landscaping, there must be in the gardener’s mind a picture of what he desires the whole to be when he completes his landscaping project.


Should you include lots of bare open lawns in your landscaping theme? A large extent of open luscious green lawn space is always beautiful. It is restful.


This type of open landscaping adds a feeling of space to even small grounds. If you cover your lawn space with many trees, with little flower beds here and there, the general effect is choppy and fussy. A bit like an over-dressed person. Not the most visually appealing result from your landscaping efforts.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Inspiring Dance of Clouds

The Inspiring Dance of Clouds

The clouds in the sky are as usual for all of us as the sun rises and the sunsets. We pay no attention to the beautiful dance of the shadows that can inspire us to live a pleasant life. Have you ever thought of the clouds? From where do they come? Where do they go? What do they do in the sky? How can they bear the harsh sun directly?


As I said, where do the clouds come from? Think about it? It is as if they come from nowhere. And it is as if we go to a place unknown to all of us. None of us thinks about them. But they stay peacefully in the sky, moving slowly with the wind. Some clouds have beautiful shapes, some are in a cluster, and sometimes we see a lone cloud in the sky. They all look so peaceful and serene. As if they are the masters of peace, showing no disturbance at all.


And look at the colors of the clouds. Most of them are white, as if someone has spread pure white cotton in the sky. Soft and silky in texture, white in color – innocence personified. The birds know something about the clouds because they often meet the clouds. What must they all be talking about with each other? All mysteries of the world that we refuse to admire.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Creative Notions

Creative Notions

People seem to believe that only a select few can unleash a steady flow of creative genius. That is not true at all. The fact is, creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be exercised to give out great results consistently. If you don’t practice harnessing creative thinking, this skill will very much atrophy into inexistence. But keep working, and this skill will soon come to you in a snap.


So how do you unleash your creative thinking? Well, the first thing is to become a human sponge. No, we’re not talking about just sucking the blood out of every living being available; we’re saying that you should take in as much knowledge and learning you can find. Read everything available — good and bad, and keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities of the universe. The more you know, the more you’ll want to know, and the more your faculty of wonder will be exercised. Prepare to be amazed at little facts that add a bit of color to your life.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

What is Important in Life?


What is Important in Life?

When we are healthy, we seldom think about what it feels like to be sick. But when we are really and truly ill, all we can think about is being healthy again.


No matter how much wealth we accumulate in this world, it is virtually useless without good health. This is tied closely to the knowledge of our mortality. Deep down, we all know that we only have a handful of decades on Earth, and then it’s over.


In light of that, what becomes essential then? That is indeed an interesting question. Money cannot be necessary because we can’t take it with us when we die. What is necessary can’t be our possessions because, once again, they are not going with us. Having money and possessions is very temporary. Those things cease to matter to us when we die.


Some turn to their relationships when they realize this. They feel that family and friends must be the most crucial thing then. Yet, we will lose contact with family and friends when we pass away.


Some people die and then come back. They call this the near-death experience. Many of those people talk about what they saw in the state of death. They also talk about how they feel, which is almost universally excellent. A few reports are going to a terrible place, but most feel good. They are free from the pain and suffering of their mortal bodies.