How To Be A Good Dog Owner |
Before deciding on buying a new dog, here are some points you should consider:-
1. Is someone at home for most of the day?
A dog, especially a puppy, should not be left on its own for more than a few hours at a time. If you are out at work from 9-5, don't get a dog unless you can make satisfactory arrangements with a friend to let the dog out.
2. What about holidays?
Sadly, more dogs are destroyed at holiday time than any other. Unless you have a helpful family to look after your dog, be prepared for the expense of boarding kennels. Because of the increased running costs, reputable kennels now have to make a higher charge – don't forget to book well ahead.
3. Are you prepared for the cost of keeping a dog?
This includes the cost of food and kennels at holiday time and the cost of vaccinations and possible veterinary fees in case of illness. A dog, like a