Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2022

Why Don't I Look Good In Pictures?

Why Don't I Look Good In Pictures?

Some people don't, and for genuine reasons…


I've been taking professional photographs for about thirty years. Ever since I started, I've heard a constant comment. It is always said something like "I just don't take good pictures" or "the camera just doesn't like me." Almost invariably, when this statement is uttered, everyone within earshot chuckles or immediately starts assuring the speaker that they do look good. Sometimes it's true, but often it's not. Some people do not photograph well it's that simple.


To the best of my knowledge, nobody has ever been able to compose a list of physical features that cause someone to photograph well or photograph poorly. Game show guru Monty Hall believed that the secret was in the size of the head. He insisted that all of the hosts of his shows had large heads. This worked for him. His unmatched success attests to that.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Your Digital Camera Is A Money Maker

Your Digital Camera Is A Money Maker

Can you imagine anyone paying you good money for your photos? No? You know, I had all those photos from a recent trip to Rome, Italy, lying around, and I thought it should be possible to make a few bucks off of them. First, I couldn’t think of a way to market or sell those images, but then I discovered microstock sites.


Microstock sites are great: You register (it’s free) and then upload a few sample images. After your samples pass an initial review, you start uploading and making money.


Let’s look at how this works in detail:


Stock photography

What is stock photography? Imagine someone is creating a website about healthcare. They want a few images of doctors, nurses, operating theaters, and the like to beef it up. Rather than hiring a photographer (sending him on “assignment” as it’s called in the business),