Monday, January 31, 2022

What Is Iridology

What Is Iridology

Iridology is the science and practice of analyzing the iris, the most complex external structure of the human anatomy. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body through the brain and nervous system. It is in direct contact with the body's bio-energetic, biochemical, structural, hormonal, and metabolic processes via the nerves, blood vessels, muscle fibers, and lymph. Iridology is expanding rapidly as it is becoming known as a valuable tool for preventive healthcare. Holistically, it is used to accurately assess the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual patterns and weaknesses for complete health analysis. It is completely painless, non-invasive, and economically viable while providing valuable therapeutic and preventive health care information.


Most Iridologists also incorporate the study of Sclerology into their assessments. Sclerology is the study of the whites of the eyes as they relate to the person's health. Interpreting the red lines, colorations, and markings in the sclera are closely associated with the present pathology of the body. This is based on the twelve meridians and each meridian's yin and yang aspect. The Chinese saw the lines in the sclera as a reflection of the lymphatic fluid which bathes every cell concerning the principles of acupuncture. This principle concludes that imbalances in the meridian energy register in the sclera. Native American Indians also analyzed the eyes to understand better the stresses affecting a person's health.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

What Is Royal Jelly?

What Is Royal Jelly?

What's all the buzz about royal jelly, and is this popular supplement right for you?


Royal jelly, also known as gelee, is a thick gelatinous milky white substance secreted from glands near the head of nurse worker bees and fed to the hives queen from her larval stages and into adulthood. Its sole purpose is to stimulate her growth and development. It seems that the royal jelly acts on the juvenile hormones in the developing queen's body, allowing her to mature while the drones, which aren't given royal jelly, remain in a state of physical immaturity. A hive queen can live up to seven years, but without her special diet of royal jelly, the queen would have had the same short life cycle as any other worker bee, seven to eight weeks.


The Ancient Egyptians kept bees as far back as 5,500 B.C., and royal jelly has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries and still is today.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Why Detox?


Why Detox?

For most of my life, I considered myself relatively healthy. I was not overweight, very slim. I usually ate two to three meals per day, not many junky-type foods, so I thought. I was about to learn the hard way that my lifestyle and eating habits were not healthy at all.


Like most of North America's diet, my diet was a lot of processed food, soda, drinks, not real juice but artificial sugary drinks, fast food, and lots of fat! I also smoked two packs a day of menthol cigarettes. I also became less active as time went on.


I considered my lifestyle and eating habits perfectly normal. This is how I observed most people living their life. I did not realize all the dyes, preservatives, and hydrogenated oils I was consuming, not to mention exhaust fumes, solvents, chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals in our environment.


We spray our homes with chemicals to kill off nasty little critters. We put chlorine in our pools, and we can't go out at any time without being exposed to the exhaust fumes from cars, planes, etc. We walk outside on the grass that has just been sprayed with more chemicals.

Friday, January 28, 2022

5 Easy Ways to Lift the Spirit

5 Easy Ways to Lift the Spirit

What to do?


Luckily for me, there's always been that curiosity about what's out there in the alternative world, including the alternative therapies. I've tried many of them over the years and will continue to do so, all in the hope I can make things better for my body, mind, and spirit. And it has.


I'm aware that what may work for me may not work for someone else, so the message is to keep trying until you find something that will suit your needs.


Many times I've been told they've tried everything. What is everything? What it boiled down to, you could count on one hand. It's worthwhile to keep searching; you may find that your world expands most, especially by making new friendships (I have) and picking up valuable skills for your self-healing toolkit.


So what do I do when I've reached a cross-road and need some direction or could do with some healing?

Thursday, January 27, 2022

What is the Glycemic Index?


What is the Glycemic Index?

Over the last 30 years, research into food and blood glucose response has completely changed our carbohydrate classification system.


It has been learned that it is impossible to predict the impact on blood glucose levels by certain foods; instead, people are fed carbohydrate foods, and the response is measured.


This response is known as the Glycemic Index (GI), it is a measure of how quickly carbohydrate foods are digested and absorbed and ranks carbohydrate foods according to their impact on blood sugar (glucose) levels: as indicted by elevated

blood glucose.


Foods with a high GI are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and cause a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. At the same time, foods with a low GI are broken down more slowly over time and keep blood glucose levels more stable (Remember that low is slow!).

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What To Eat To Boost Your Memory


What To Eat To Boost Your Memory

Being aware of the nutritional value of our foods is essential to a healthy body. Eating the right combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats keeps muscles strong and organs functioning the way nature intended.


Our minds are no different, and eating foods rich in particular nutrients can help alleviate brain fog and boost our memories back to the place they were when we were younger. It only seems natural that since most of our body is fueled by the healthiest of foods, feeding our minds the same way follows suit.


There has been extensive research done into studying the effects of certain minerals and vitamins on brain function. It’s common sense that sugar, although a temporary stimulant, quickly loses its luster, and although we might feel very vibrant and alive after eating a candy bar, within an hour or two, our bodies have become sluggish and less responsive. Therefore, our minds and memories would feel the same high and crashing low if fed a diet of sweets.