Saturday, January 22, 2022

Your Diet And Nutrition Are You An Emotional Eater?


Your Diet And Nutrition Are You An Emotional Eater?

Emotional eating. Many people suffer from the same eating problems, but there is one that stands out among those eating issues. For most people, it is the leading cause of abnormal weight gain, as you end up compensating for your emotional distress by sitting down for a large snack. This is fine once in a while, but do it too often, and you will find it hard to lose any weight.


Every time you eat anything, you need to write down your state of mind in your food journal. Were you feeling tired, upset, depressed, happy, or energetic? Just writing a few words about how you felt when you decided to eat can make a world of difference when it comes time to analyze your eating behaviors.

Friday, January 21, 2022

A Gold Medal in Love


A Gold Medal in Love

Five-time gold medal-winning figure skater, Jenny Kilmer, has won the women's Olympics since she was 16. At 36, she is attempting to win her sixth straight gold medal. Kilmer has been blessed with such fame and fortune with sporting equipment endorsements and TV contracts. She has gotten everything that he has set out to get, except for one thing: love.


Love is what has been eluding her. She has had many relationships, but none have transpired into anything beyond just a relationship. Her latest relationship with Scott seemed to be destined for the same scenario.


Since two years old, Jennys life has been all about skating. Her intensive training has paid off professionally because of her gold medals, but personally, even her trainer, Yon, cannot stand around her. It was five days until the Women's Olympic medal competition.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

There Inspirations for Happiness

There Inspirations for Happiness

The following three inspirations were adapted from A Daily Dose of Happiness, and they represent three key ways to increase our happiness.


We like to think we are better than our friends below us in the food chain, like the octopus and the snail. After all, we have love. We feel happy. We have empathy. We have a conscience. We can reason.


We can also hold onto grudges.


Grudges are, in fact, prickly little creatures that worm their way into our hearts. Holding onto them is a self-defeating exercise.


Fortunately, forgiveness is also uniquely human. Forgiveness cleanses the spirit. Forgiveness lets us get on with enjoying our lives instead of being preoccupied with someone else’s. Forgiveness opens the door to happiness.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Understanding Your Dreams


Understanding Your Dreams

The meaning of dreams has been of interest to humanity throughout history. Dreams come to us in various forms that range from frightening to erotic. We experience images, sounds, sensations, and voices in our dreams that we cannot influence or control. Do our dreams have special meanings? Are they brought on by incidents that have affected our lives today or possibly sometime in the past?


There are many theories on why we dream, where dreams originate, or even why dreams occur in the brain. It is not clear what the neurological cause is or what phase of sleep dreaming occurs. Many believe dreams are reflections of the unconscious, and some are predictions of the future or even messages from God. Some have interpreted many dreams of a bizarre nature as divine gifts, letters from the past, or predictions of the future. Dreams often inspire artistic and other forms of inspiration.


According to most scientists, dreams occur with equal frequency in most people. The ability to recall the dream varies significantly with individuals, however. Most goals, it is believed, occur during (REM) sleep, which is a form of sleep experienced in the latter portion of the sleep cycle.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Use The Power Of Your Thoughts

Use The Power Of Your Thoughts

The most incredible power we ever got is the power of our thoughts.


An Intelligence inside us can elevate our life at the highest level.


Everyone should learn to collaborate with this Intelligence which is organized to react to our intentions and create a life of abundance and happiness.


Freedom, happiness, richness, love, friendship, health, and wealth are our birthright.


We have been created to live our lives in freedom, health, and wealth. If our life doesn't look like that, it means we block ourselves from our thoughts. Our thoughts are potent instruments to create happiness and wealth or sickness and poverty.


If your life doesn't look like what you're dreaming of, it means you have thoughts that go against you. Your thoughts create your life. If you want to change your life, change first your thoughts.


You can choose your thoughts. Nobody in the world can put an idea in your head without your permission. Your mind belongs to you! It's your job to control your thoughts! You are the master of your head; you are the guardian of your thoughts. You can change them. Choose those thoughts that will bring you the results you want.

Monday, January 17, 2022

What are you missing out on?

What are you missing out on?

Life is all about the experience. Most of us have a pretty vast intellectual knowledge of the world. Intellectually we know what’s available to us as human beings, and although most people haven’t got everything they want, they at least have an intellectual knowledge of it. They know what exists, and they know what is available. There is, however, a vast difference between academic knowledge and experiential knowledge.


We all long to experience the objects of our desire. We want to feel and share what we understand by engaging all our senses and nervous systems to comprehend what exists only as impulses in our minds entirely. Knowing isn’t enough. Until and unless you experience something, it will remain an idea and a concept that will always leave you wanting more. Experience is how you turn your intellectual knowledge into a physical experience. It becomes real when you experience it because you get to feel it in your nervous system. You involve your emotions, and, in the process, you get to feel the fullness of a concept turned real and made manifest in reality. You can know yourself to be kind, but the idea will remain intellectual and weak until and unless you do something kind. Only when you take the picture and act on it will you create the experience. Knowing kindness is what you want.